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Mr. Monk and the Billionaire Mugger is the sixth episode of the first season of Monk (TV series).


A successful billionaire computer mogul is shot dead while mugging a couple outside a movie theater, and a uniformed officer later is seen fleeing the scene. It appears to be a midlife crisis gone horribly wrong–until Monk uncovers the truth about both the murder and about "Fraidy Cop".


Billionaire computer mogul Sidney Teal leaves his house at nightfall, telling his wife Myra that he's on his way to another lecture. Outside, his chauffeur has a car ready, but Teal says he'll drive himself.

So Sidney climbs into his Ford SUV, and drives into San Francisco. He parks his car in a back alleyway. Once there, he puts on a false mustache and black sweater, and hides behind a dumpster. Meanwhile, ex-cop Archie Modine and his date exit a movie theater and walk across the parking lot, looking for their car. Just as they're starting to search, Sidney steps out with a knife in hand and says "Give me your money. Don't be a hero!" To Sidney's surprise, Modine pulls a revolver, and suddenly shoots him three times, killing him on the spot. Footsteps are heard fleeing the scene.

Meanwhile, Sharona Fleming is having financial difficulties, as shown when she tries to cash a check only to find it has bounced. She confronts Adrian Monk, just as Monk accidentally breaks his table lamp, and urges him to be a lot more hard-nosed when it comes to collecting his fees, knowing all too well that he loves detective work and would do it for free if she wasn’t there to stop him. For instance, she wants Monk to confront Leo Otterman, a businessman who Monk helped out and who hasn't paid them. Fortunately, the argument is broken up by a phone call about the Sidney Teal shooting.

When Monk and Sharona arrive at the scene, the crime scene has become a media circus. Captain Stottlemeyer walks Monk through the sequence of events as Modine's statement goes. Monk immediately notices a suspicious detail: Sidney was wearing kneepads and elbow pads, like he was planning to go rollerblading afterwards.

Modine is an ex-cop from Palo Alto, and swears that the shooting was self-defense. His date, plus a couple of residents in the nearby apartments all can vouch for him. Suddenly, Modine’s date, while being interviewed by Lieutenant Disher, says something interesting: there was a uniformed cop positioned in the alleyway who turned and ran away when Modine shot Sidney, instead of running towards them. The press latch onto this and hound Stottlemeyer about it, but Stottlemeyer insists that no police officer would flee the scene of a crime in progress.

Monk quickly dives into the case. The police are inclined to dismiss Sidney's demise as a prank gone wrong: a reclusive billionaire seeking thrills after getting bored with his life, or cracking under the unique strains of being immensely rich. When Monk and Sharona interview Myra, she supports this story, saying her husband was going through a mid-life crisis. However, this contrasts from what Monk notices from looking at all of the photos on Sidney's piano, which suggest that the most exciting thing Sidney's done in the last three years has been going to Disneyland. When returning to the car and about to drive off, however, Sharona's car stalls and ends up breaking down, causing her to curse up a storm. Sidney's chauffeur then helps them repair the car. During the repair work, the chauffeur describes Sidney as a "pussycat" and possibly one of the loneliest guys out there; in fact, he couldn't even fire a gun without freezing up. This is in sharp contrast to Myra, who'd described Sidney as having the personality of a "tiger."

Stottlemeyer and Disher are under fire from the press and from City Hall, who are both demanding to know the identity of the runaway cop, or as the newspapers call him, “Fraidy Cop.” They manage to retrace his route, and determine that he was seen fleeing west towards Dolores Park after the shooting, until he flagged down a taxi at 19th and Guerrero. He then threw up in the backseat (although the police have ID'd his blood type from the vomit). The cab dropped off at a bar near St. Mary's Cathedral, where he was seen sitting in a booth drinking bourbon and crying. He was last seen at midnight being picked up by an older woman in a brown station wagon, believed to be his mother.

While at Sidney's office, Sharona notices flowers from Phi Beta Tau, Teal's fraternity in college. Monk then remembers seeing a Phi Beta Tau insignia on Modine's keychain, making him conclude that Modine and Sidney were in the same fraternity in college, and that Modine and Myra are having an affair. For Sharona, that is good enough to declare the case closed and collect their fee: Sidney discovered the affair, and was actually trying to murder Modine. But Monk isn't convinced: even though Sidney wouldn't fire a gun, he did own one, and yet he didn't bring it to the "mugging". On top of that, the knife he held was hardly a serious weapon. And this still doesn't explain away the elbow and knee pads.

Modine admits to the affair in questioning and filing a false report claiming he didn't know Teal, citing his protectiveness of Myra. When speaking about the developments at a press conference, Stottlemeyer is again hounded by the press about Fraidy Cop, to such an extent that he declares that any reporters asking questions on that angle will be banned from future press conferences for a year.

Monk’s refusal to close the case infuriates Sharona, and she quits. Without her, Monk is cut adrift, and goes back to looking over the clues to Trudy's murder. But without Sharona's guidance, he finds himself going over the same dead-ends again, not remembering what he's done before. He is also nearly gunned down by a drive-by shooter in a stolen Mustang; he only evades the fatal gunshot because he stoops down to scoop up a wipe he drops at the last second. When the police investigate the shooting, they manage to find the car, but it's been wiped clean of fingerprints, leaving behind a dead end regarding Monk's mysterious assassin.

Meanwhile, a bored Sharona takes a job as a cashier in a lamp store. During a period of down time, she reads Sidney's autobiography and reads about an incident during his college years, when he and his date, Angie DeLuca, were menaced by a mugger in a parking garage. Sharona's curiosity is piqued as some of the details in Sidney's anecdote seem similar to the circumstances of his own death. She interviews Angie, who remembers that the mugger approached them with a knife, and shouted, "Give me your money! Don’t be a hero!" before Sidney heroically fought him off. Angie was impressed, since she’d never thought of Sidney as a physical type. Excited, Sharona rushes back to Monk with the information just as Monk finishes making a pathetic attempt at confronting Leo Otterman, and he solves the case.

Here's What Happened[]

Monk, Sharona, Stottlemeyer and Disher confront Myra and Modine in the Teal mansion, in the company of a uniformed police officer. Monk explains that the detail that has been nagging him from the beginning were the elbow and kneepads Sidney was wearing when he was shot. With the new information, he now knows that Sidney wasn't planning to mug Modine or kill him, but actually going out because he thought he was going to be carrying out a harmless prank. He thought he was going to help impress Modine's date, and repay Modine for a favor that had been done for him years ago.

In college, Sidney and Modine were fraternity brothers and close friends. Sidney wasn't much of a ladies' man, and when he had a big date with Angie DeLuca, he wanted to impress her. So he asked Modine for advice and they ultimately agreed to carry out a very harmless prank. In it, Modine donned a ski mask and hoodie, then pretended to "mug" Sidney and Angie. Subsequently, the mild-mannered Sidney "got to look like Superman" for a few minutes, and the two friends had a big laugh afterwards.

Twenty years later, Myra and Modine started their affair after meeeting at a college reunion. After a year, Modine decided he wanted Myra to himself, and Sidney dead. So he thought of a brilliant idea for how to kill Sidney. Remembering the favor he did for Sidney in college, Modine contacted him and asked him to return the favor on the assumption that there was no way Sidney would refuse an offer to relive one of the best nights of his life. Sidney enthusiastically agreed, never aware up until the moment Modine pulled out his gun that he was actually being set up to be murdered.

Modine now effectively had two layers of motive to protect him. To an outside observer, the murder looked like a pure self-defense killing of a billionaire who'd had a nervous breakdown, and in the worst scenario, should anyone discover his connection to Sidney, Modine just had to confess to the affair and claim Sidney found out about it and was trying to kill him out of revenge, thus his death would still be ruled as legitimate self-defense.

Modine says there is no proof. To this, Monk reveals that, actually, there's an eyewitness who can testify to what Sidney thought he was getting into. Like when he originally asked Modine to do the staged mugging in college, Sidney was someone who liked to go the extra mile for things. For his version of the prank, he chose to modify it by hiring an actor named Joseph Moratta to play a uniformed patrol officer. The plan was that Moratta would be stationed in the alleyway within eyesight of Modine and Sidney, and that after Modine "fought off" Sidney, he would run up to Modine and commend him for his "heroism". When Modine instead shot Sidney, Moratta panicked and fled, and in the process became the so-called "Fraidy Cop" that the press have been latched onto. Monk explains that he came to the conclusion that Fraidy Cop wasn't a real cop when he remembered Stottlemeyer saying that no officer would ever flee the scene of a crime. On cue, Monk then points to Moratta, who happens to be the uniformed officer standing in the room with them, much to Stottlemeyer's shock and fury.

Myra, seeing that the game is up, hurriedly swears that whatever happened was all Modine's idea, and she knew nothing. In rage, Modine draws a gun and takes aim at her, and Disher tackles him. Myra looks on, knowing that she will soon join Modine in prison, once he talks. In the struggle, a stray shot is fired, and Moratta takes off running again, to the delight of the press and the aggravation of Stottlemeyer.

In the end, Monk and Sharona get their money from Leo Otterman, thanks to some leverage from Moratta. Except, seconds later, when Moratta removes his sunglasses, Otterman recognizes him, sending Moratta running. As he watches, Monk remarks that, had he not had a tendency to flee when confronted, Moratta would have made a good officer.


  • The scene where Monk goes to Kelly Street's address to interview her in Trudy's place was originally made for "Mr. Monk and the Candidate", but it was cut from that episode for whatever, and instead placed into this episode. Because of this, the setting was strangely fitting for cold weather instead of the normal weather. This was rectified within the episode when Sharona is seen in the lamp store looking bored: the DJs talking about Fraidy Cop say, "You know what I heard: Every officer is being issued some new equipment—a white flag and a diaper! But they better do it up tight, ‘cause there’s a cold snap coming!" The fact that the Kelly Street scene was meant to be used in the pilot is more apparent from the fact that the audio quality changes just slightly for these scenes, compared with the rest of the episode.
  • The song that plays as Sidney Teal drives into San Francisco is George Thorogood's "Bad to the Bone."
  • Monk: The Official Episode Guide states that the premise of "hiring someone to pretend to try to mug you to impress your date" was adapted by David Breckman from a Saturday Night Live skit.

"What are you doing?"[]

In every episode of Monk and the Monk Movie, at least once, some variation of the question, "What are you doing?" is asked.

Time Quote From To RE
0:02 What are you... Sidney Teal Archie Modine Interrupted when Modine shoots him.
0:06 What am I doing here? Monk Stottlemeyer Monk on the scene of a seemingly easy case.
0:16 What are you doing? Mr. Teal's Secretary Monk Monk cutting a rose stem. "This one is sticking up. You'll thank me later."
0:17 Now what are you doing? Mr. Teal's Secretary Monk "I cut that one too short."
0:23 What are you doing? Sharona Monk Monk refusing to submit his invoice for the case. "It's not over."
0:31 What are you doing? Bonnie Monk Monk mistaking The Colonel (the dog) for Mr. Simon (taxidermized dog).


  • When the drive-by-shooter pulls up in the yellow Mustang, the passenger's side window is clearly rolled up both before the shot is fired and while the car is speeding away.
  • If Archie Modine shot a man three times without warning, he'd probably have his gun permit suspended pending further investigation into whether the shooting was justified or not.