Lynn Hayden was Julie’s basketball coach at her high school. We first met her at school basketball practice. Lynn Hayden, gives her kids a pep talk. She tells them she is proud of them. After the rest of the team has showered and left the locker room, Hayden showers alone. Unknown to her, an intruder sneaks into the locker room and lays a trap: after cutting the circuit breaker in a wall socket, he plugs a hair dryer in and lays it on the floor, then opens the S-bend of a sink and fills it, causing water to drip onto the floor, the drain of which he has blocked with a towel. Hayden finishes her shower, and the moment she steps onto the wet floor, she collapses from a fatal electric shock. When Natalie and Monk interview the school principal, who says that Lynn Hayden had been depressed for the last few weeks, but wouldn't say about what. However, the principal refuses to believe it was suicide. Later, Monk and Natalie interview Lynn's brother, Aaron, who lived with her. Aaron admits that Lynn started a brush fire, and was planning to turn herself in to the police. Aaron tried to talk her out of it, since no one was hurt, but she was set on doing the right thing, like always. At the game, Monk is over-coaching and getting on everyone's nerves. However, it is Natalie who gets ejected when she gets in the referee's face over a blown call. She is left to wander around the girls' locker room, when she notices something on the bulletin board: a portrait of Lynn Hayden, donated by Aaron, has tape on its frame with a jagged edge – the same kind of tape found on the electrical cord of the killer hair dyer. It is then clear that Lynn was killed by her own brother.