Monk Wiki

Kris Kedder is a character featured in Season 5. He is a rock musician and the frontman for the band Trafalgar who murdered a road named Stork Murray over a copyright dispute on a song called "Peggy's Gone to Memphis". He was confronted by Stork over the fact that Kris didn't even write the song. Kris then offered to buy the song for 5K but Stork wasn't biting and when Stork was about to contact a copyright lawyer, Kris knocked him out with a beer bottle. He then dressed up as Stork, bought some hard drugs, even blew up a beach ball, and forced OD'd Stork, locking him in one of the porter potty's to make it look like he OD'd. He even destroyed evidence proving Stork wrote the song, only problem was his DNA was in the beach ball and when Leland Stottlemeyer got a hold of the ball, Kedder was arrested for murder.

Kedder was showed to be opening disrespectful toward the police and had the 'F#@* the Police' persona. What he also failed to understand was the song Stork wrote was actually personal for Stork.
