Kenneth Woods was the co-owner of the Tiger Bay Trucking Company in Mr. Monk Meets His Dad.
Shortly before Christmas in 2006, he accused his partner Ben Glaser of buying cheap parts for the fleet of trucks and pocketing the difference. While showing Glaser the cheap engine of the truck Ben arrived in, his tie, which was given to him by Jack Monk at the company's Secret Santa celebration, got caught in the fan belt. Glaser went to cut him down, but instead decided to pull his legs out and leave him to be strangled to death. Glaser then took the truck and disposed of Woods' body.
However, Ben knew the truck's GPS system would show that Ben had driven not only to Kenneth's house, but the spot were he disposed of the body. So he hatched a plan to make one of his drivers drive the truck 5,000 miles, which would reset the data and put Ben in the clear. Ben claimed he had found religion as a cover story and put out an assignment to drive to various orphanages and foster homes he "grew up in" in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and California and deliver toys (or rather, cheap and hastily bought junk) to the children therein, taking the driver on a rather lengthy and inefficient route to ensure 5,000 miles were traveled. Ironically, Jack Monk ended up being the driver that took the job.
Things might have worked out for Ben if Jack hadn't gotten himself in trouble in San Francisco with the police. In order to get out of custody and back on the road, Jack called up his son, Homicide detective Adrian Monk, to put in a good word. This was shocking to Adrian considering Jack had walked out on him and his family when he was eight, but nonetheless, Adrian got Jack freed and even ended up accompanying him on the trip. The two eventually figured out Ben's scheme, but unfortunately, the GPS data ended up getting erased, as the truck drove the needed distance due to its brake line disconnecting, a result of Ben's cutting corners.
However, while the GPS data couldn't prove Ben's guilt, the truck still had evidence of Ben's interaction with Kenneth; a piece of his tie that was still stuck in the fan belt. It had been making a rattling sound that had been driving Adrian and Jack crazy and they found the piece when they popped the hood, with Jack recognizing the tie. Seeing as Ben had no way of explaining how a piece of Kenneth's tie ended up in the truck, he was proven guilty and arrested for the murder.