John Keyes is a character who appeared in Mr. Monk and the Lady Next Door. He is a drummer who plotted to rob the jewelry store he used to work at. He started by plotting to steal a robotic mannequin at the Guinness Museum and wound up killing a security guard in the process. He was known to constantly play his drums at night to the point where his neighbor, Marge Johnson, would file a complaint with the police on him. He then used the robot he pilfer, dressed him up to look like himself, used a drumming mix cd and planted the robot on his drum set as a cover to rob a jewelry store. The manager, David Elliot, immediately recognized John's voice, so John shot him dead while clearing the store. Monk, Natalie, and Stottlemeyer eventually found the robot mannequin and then Keyes got the drop on them and was prepared to kill them. Disher then showed up and Keyes was arrested.