Monk Wiki

James 'Jimmy' Lu is a leader of a Tong gang in Chinatown who was questioned by Monk in "Mr. Monk Meets the Godfather", as a suspect in the murder of a number of gang members of a rival crime family who were killed in a mob owned barber shop. The police and ATF fear that the deaths were part of a gang war and think Jimmmy meant be involved as he is the leader of a rival Chinese gang.

Monk decides it's time to pay a to Jimmy but after Monk talks to him, he determines Jimmy and his gang had nothing to do with the massacre. Unfortunately, while Monk is attempting to rest in exasperation that Lu is doing more than 100 pushups, a Molotov cocktail is hurled through the window and sets the hideout on fire. Colmes is furious with Monk's blunder, but Monk decides to revisit the crime scene.
