Dexter Larson was the creator of the Sapphire magazine in Mr. Monk Meets the Playboy. He started Sapphire as a technology magazine that wasn't doing well. When he started switching it to a Playboy-esque magazine, it took off. One day, the magazine's publisher, Elliot D'Souza, told him that he was pulling the plug on Sapphire, since the rise of internet had rendered it obsolete, not to mention Larson's spending habits. D'Souza agreed to give Larson a weekend to process the news, but instead, he used it to kill D'Souza. Larson had previously rented out the apartment below D'Souza's to model Noelle Winters. Larson sent Winters on a tour of Europe to ensure she wouldn't be home, then drove to the apartment in Danny Bonaduce's car, before using one of his keys to enter. He used a custom made electromagnet, which he was able to do with his tech skills from when Sapphire was a tech magazine to strangle D'Souza to death as he was weightlifting. The magnet not only attracted the barbell, but it set the clock to the wrong time, caused D'Souza's pens to face the same direction, and wiped his computer clean. Larson claimed he was in bed at the time of the murder, which Amber Post backed up. However, Post eventually retracted this statement, as Larson had promised to make her Sapphire Girl of the Year if she backed him up. Larson was arrested.