Dewey Albert was in the first and third scenes of Mr. Monk Takes His Medicine. He was a criminal, and was the suspect of Capt. Leland Stottlemeyer's getting shot. He takes off on a bike as Stottlemeyer was getting shot.
Scene One Appearance[]
Albert walks out of a store, and is confronted by Lt. Cooper and a SFPD officer. Lt. Cooper wants to ride the bike as Albert is being arrested by the officer. Stottlemeyer and Disher pull up, and Lester Highsmith, the husband of a person commiting suicide 5 blocks down, shoots Stottlemeyer .
Scene Three Appearance[]
Mr. Albert was fixing his motorcycle when Lt. Disher discovers him with other officers. He slams through the door at the Auto Shop, passes Monk and Sharona Fleming, and then runs away from officers in foot pursuit for Albert. Then, Monk walks away, holding the pills Dr. Charles Kroger (his therapist) gave him.