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Cameron was a woman who pretended to be Adrian Monk's late wife Trudy and a major character in the Monk episode "Mr. Monk and Mrs. Monk".


Cameron was a for-hire actress who came under the employement of Jack Bollinger. Years prior, Bollinger had obtained his position in the San Francisco dock worker union by incriminating the previous boss for corruption, having fed the information on his dubious dealings to a pair of freelance journalists, Janice Ellinghouse and Trudy Monk. With Trudy having died in a car bombing in 1997 and Janice only recently passing away in 2005, the records of their investigation were, as per Janice's wishes, going to be donated to a university with public access, thus putting him at risk if his fellow union members were to find out that he had snitched on one of their own.

To acquire the records, Cameron played the part of Trudy, to whom she happened to bear an uncanny resemblance to, pretending she had faked her death after incurring the wrath of a group of extremists Trudy investigated and ask Janice's father Zach about a key to the storage the reporters had shared to keep their files in. Donning a blonde wig to hide her natural brown curls, Cameron met with Zach at a diner, being seen by Natalie Teeger, the assistant of Trudy's husband Adrian Monk, by pure coincidence. Natalie continued to stalk the two during a second meeting, where was caught while taking photos by Cameron, who, still under the guise of Trudy, took the camera's film and told her to not tell Adrian about her survival, as that this would put him in grave danger.

Zach eventually agreed to hand over the key, but when he changed his mind during the exchange at Janice's apartment, a struggle ensued between him and Cameron, which ended with Zach falling on a memo spike, killing him. Cameron manages to get away, only to be spotted by Monk when she enters a car near the crime scene.

Having signed up for more than she bargained for, Cameron hands over the key to Bollinger and demands to be let off. Bollinger tells her that, in order to get paid and not be implicated for the killing of Zach Ellinghouse, she had to keep her act together just until he had the files in his possession. She was required to accompany him to the warehouse, where the two were confronted by Monk and Natalie. Monk, under the impression that Cameron really is Trudy, is overcome with emotion and tells her everything he couldn't tell his wife before she died and proclaimed his ever-present love for her even in death. Monk and the arriving cops startle Bollinger, who takes out a gun and engages in a shootout with them, soon taking a fatal bullet to the chest, discharging his weapon as he falls, hitting Cameron. Stunned by the entire ordeal, Cameron says that he and Trudy must have been soulmates before she bleeds out. Monk feels as if he experienced his wife's death a second time and although aware that Cameron wasn't really her, his grieving process is set back to where it started from, only reminded that Trudy was the love of his life.

Behind the scenes[]

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