Monk Wiki

Alby Drake was a character who appeared in the episode "Mr. Monk and the Blackout".


Alby Drake was Brenner’s former best friend and college roommate. With it clear that Brenner faked his death nine years ago and has been hiding out ever since under an assumed name, they theorize that he probably is still in close contact with his friends.

Drake is currently staging a protest at a condominium construction site, where he has chained himself to the top of a tree. The foreman says that Drake will be down from the tree soon, as a judge will be issuing an eviction notice in a few days. Stottlemeyer sends up a copy of Brenner’s letter. At first, Drake refuses to confirm or deny whether Brenner might still be alive, but is taken aback when Stottlemeyer tells him that three people died during the blackout (two fatal heart attacks, and a young woman hooked up to a hospital dialysis machine). Drake says he needs some time to think. He was later murdered by Brenner. 
